The UE Library's catalogue contains our own licenced collection of
e-books and printed editions. All publications are fully accessible
and can either be located on campus or viewed digitally.
Both printed and digital publications can be searched for, using
various advanced search functions. Specifying the ISBN number or
author will give a more accurate search result. Full access to the text through a third party. Available on campus, at various locations.
Ebook Central gives access to thousands of Ebooks, relevant to all
study programmes and available in multiple languages. The majority
of e-books available in the UE Catalogue come from the EBC portal.
In EBC, two types of e-books are to be found: request items and
full-access items. While the latter are available indefinitely, the
former are accessible for a limited amount of time only before they
need to be requested from the library. Requests are attended to within
24 hours at the most. The search results list will always display all
e-books available. The 'availability' section in the centre of each
e-book's page details the respective access options.
Full access to the text for an unlimited amount of time.
Preview available for 5 minutes.
A variety of subject specific databases, relevant to both the
Business, Sport and Psychology department, as well as Art & Design
Full-text access to e-journals on the topic
of Psychology, including 27,000+ articles.
Open Access Free Access
Full-text access to the current issues of approx. 2,800
Springer journals, all available under an Open-Access agreement.
Open Access
Full-text access to the current issues of approx 1,700 Wiley
journals all available under an Open-Access agreement.
Full Access Free Access Open Access
Full-text access to the current issues of approx.
2,800 Elsevier journals, all available under an
Open-Access agreement.
Open Access Full Text
Full access to an extensive collection of statistics,
reports, and insights on over 80,000 topics
from 22,500 sources in 170 industries.
One of the most important search engines for academic
online publications; offers reference information on
some 120 million documents.
In the case that a required publication is not
available in any of the databanks provided, please
refer to our list of external resources relevant to
each campus.
Library Guide
UE Catalogue
Research and Access
Digital publications can be viewed on third party sites by following
the link. The location of printed publications can be found at the
bottom of the page, detailing at which campus they are available.
Digital Edition
Printed Edition
Ebook Central
Research and Access
Able to download book as a PDF for offline use.
Available on Request
Book can be requested via the EBC website.
Specialised Databases
Hogrefe PsyJournals
Springer eJournals
Wiley eJournals
Elsevier eJournals
External Resources